- emulot - A tool for managing emulators
- cargo-test-scripts - Embeds test scripts in Cargo manifest
- rdg - A library and application for generating data using regular expressions
- ber - A library for parsing Basic Encoding Rules (BER) encoded data
- vim-cmake - A plugin for interacting with CMake in vim
- vim-junit - A plugin for viewing JUnit results in a structured way in vim
- git-code-review - A python module for performing code reviews inside git history
- minimalist-map - A simple, minimalist map implementation in C
- cron-build - A perl script to support cron-based build automation of git repositories
- digitalocean-ansible-inventory - An Ansible dynamic inventory for DigitalOcean droplets
- perl-DKIM-Sign - A mail signing CLI tool useful for Postfix
- event-photo-gallery - A collaborative, micro photo gallery
- build-dashboard - A text-based app for interfacing with Buildbot
- clang_complete-cmake.vim - A plugin for clang_complete that finds sources using the CMake server.
- netrw-sidebar.vim - A basic netrw sidebar plugin
- A number of Docker images:
- reverentengineer/postfix - Postfix with LDAP
- reverentengineer/dovecot - Dovecot with LDAP
- reverentengineer/rspamd - Rspamd with Redis
- reverentengineer/radicale - Radicale for Reverse Proxy
- reverentengineer/nginx-ldap-interface - Flask app to proxy nginx auth requests to LDAP server